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09/08  Mon. 12pm

Teach three English speakers "Thank you" in your mother language. 

09/08  Mon. 9:54am

The day is a special day, min-moon day. You should call your parsents.

09/08  Mon. 2:00pm

Ask for an appointment for yourself at a pet grooming facility.

09/09  Tue. 1:00pm

Draw something with charcoal for 15 seconds.

09/09  Tue. 12:45pm

Draw something with charcoal for 15 seconds.

09/08  Wed. 12:40pm

Eat an entire Donut World donut in 15 seconds while lying down under a tree. Repeat until satisfied.

09/09  Tue. 11:00am

Dance Gangnam style

09/09  Tue. 12:30pm

Draw something with charcoal for 15 seconds.

09/09  Tue. 1:50pm

Sit in the Gatewood lobby (indian style). Yawn every time you make eye contact with someone.

09/08  Wed. 1:10pm

Open a small bag of m&m's and sort them all out by color in 15 seconds.

09/11  Thu. 3:40pm

Jump 11 times and each jump you are trying to jump the highest as you can and you are repeating (shouting loudly) "11" like if you are excising on the 11th of September

09/11  Thu. 4:00pm

Yell "I'm a real artist!" as loud as you can for three times 

09/11 Thu 12pm

Lu hold one of your feet and balance with one of them in the back and see how long you can hold it for the 15 secs without hoping and also in a public space perhaps a shopping area or a side walk where people can see you.

09/12  Fri. 12:12pm

sit on a bench and read out loud part of your favorite passage from your favorite book

09/12  Fri. 12:00pm

Pet a dog or cat

09/12  Fri. 12:30pm

Challenge someone to a cartwheel contest. Film said contest.

09/12 Fri. 12:31pm

Immediately following previous task jump up and down enthusiastically, grinning and cheering saying this is going to be a fabulous day!!!

09/13  Sat. 1pm

Take a bite of one of your favorite foods. Then explain what you love about it.


09/13 Sat. 12:50pm

In a busy space place a large sheet of paper on the ground; sit before it (or on it) with multiple crayons in both hands & draw as a child with undeveloped motor skills might draw.

09/14 Sun. 1pm

Walk to the highest elevation possible within 15 seconds.

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